20th November 2022
Lauren Brimhall

WCRN Beginnings and our flagship meet-up

At the risk of starting out like a scripted wedding speech, “For those of you who don’t know me…” my name is Lauren Brimhall and I’m a West Chester based realtor licensed throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey! I am also the President and founder of the West Chester Referral Network (WCRN), which humbly began with a simple community post seeking a small, informal group of five-to-six professionals to refer each others’ services back and forth. Yes, I actually said “five-to-six…”

This post completely blew up, immediately generating well over 60 responses expressing interest, including many individuals from duplicate professions, which was a problem because the group I had envisioned would have only one of each. Instead of being overwhelmed by this scenario, I embraced it wholeheartedly and immediately came up with a “trial by fire” system of accepting the first member to apply from each profession that gave everyone a fair chance regardless of popularity, years of experience, or what would have been in-most-cases my unqualified opinion of their portfolios. This method also avoided any questions about gender or race favoritism, although we did by total accident end up with what my husband calls a bit of a “hen party,” of almost entirely females. As strange as this acceptance method was, having gotten to know this group over the last several months, we very much lucked out with some truly amazing members! Only a very small percentage of members had to be removed early on, and the remaining group you see on the WCRN website now is tested, tried and true by our other members and their referrals!

We are NOT referring strangers, or just names on a list. We are referring people we know from personal experience to be reliable and professional in their work. These are people we trust to put our reputations in a basket with theirs! However, the only way to get to this point was to keep an intimate, ACTIVE group, where everyone has had the opportunity to get to know one another and their work via once-a-month in-person meetups and twice-monthly zoom calls.

Our member leadership on the “about page” stepped up early on and pushed the group to next-level heights, with Vice President Catherine Halliday creating our beautiful logo, and this website, among other things! Kara Baxter was tasked with keeping people engaged on social media, Nive Dhanak has the role of managing our finances, and Esther Celamy-Williams and Regina De Angelis have been managing our members, their needs, and aiding in all major group decisions.

Our first in-person meetup took place Friday, September 23 at Align Space in the center of West chester, hosted by VP Catherine Halliday from Ripple Graphics, and was a total blast.

As you can see from the photos posted here and throughout the rest of the site, our meetings often have a few formal aspects to them, but as a group we believe the best connections are made just socializing, having fun, and making real-life personal connections.

If you are reading this because you are considering membership in our group, I assure you it is the best of all worlds. Only $60 per year, free web listing on our site or pay to upgrade, fun/casual meetings, and finally relaxed leadership that is understanding of busy schedules.


If this sounds right for you, we hope you’ll decide to join us and meet us all in person at your earliest opportunity!

Interested in becoming a member?

Get in touch to arrange a free meeting