WCRN members volunteering at SPCA
20th January 2023
Lauren Brimhall

SPCA Volunteer Meetup!

Puppies and Kittens and Cuteness Everywhere, Oh My! What an amazing and rewarding experience it was for members of the West Chester Referral Network (WCRN) to roll up their sleeves and volunteer their time to the Brandywine Valley SPCABrandywine Valley SPCA this past Wednesday!

For anyone not familiar with our organization, WCRN is a group of business professionals local to the West Chester area who are experts in their respective fields. Recently, we had the idea to start mixing community service projects into our regular meetup schedule – best idea ever! Our time this week at the SPCA was our first volunteer activity, and it was such a fun and fulfilling event for those who could attend, we can’t wait to do more like it!

After a brief tour to get the lay of the land, Community Engagement Coordinator Molly Bowe assigned us the task of cleaning out the building’s Education Center. It didn’t take long for everyone to find something to work on, from sorting through and organizing donated materials, to vacuuming, mopping, sanitizing and scrubbing the room from top to bottom. Like everything we do as an organization, we made it fun, and were “ice skating” around on rags to get that floor as clean as it has probably EVER been, haha.

Promises were made of letting us wash a new litter of puppies that had recently arrived at the shelter, and we were literally chomping at the bit to do it! We got to wash, dry, socialize and transport what one member so aptly named, “Cutie 1, 2, and 3.” Afterwards, a few of us were taught “click for quiet,” and went around feeding treats to the well-behaved adult dogs. By the time we finished, we were pooped (literally and figuratively!), but beyond thrilled to have spent our afternoon assisting the shelter staff with anything they needed. Special thanks to Cathy Kay, Four Corners Organizing, for doing the leg work of setting this all up.

As a final note, I’m sure many of the dogs and cats pictured are still in search of their forever homes! If any of these adorable animals speak to you through the images we’re sharing from our day, please, please, please consider giving one of them a good and loving home!

Interested in becoming a member?

If this sounds right for you, we hope you’ll decide to join us and meet us all in person at your earliest opportunity!